Bykle og Hovden Vekst is a small company, located in the municipality of Bykle. The company was established in 2005, owned by the municipality of Bykle and the county of Aust-Agder. Yearly turnover is about € 950.000.

The purpose of the company is to work with different developmental projects, offering project management and advices for companies and public sector. The company also owns buildings (10.550 square meters) renting out to different companies.

During several years Bykle og Hovden Vekst AS has been engaged as project manager for "The digital Agder" This project is owned by the two counties of Agder, and all 30 municipalities in the counties are participating. The purpose is to offer mobile coverage and broadband connection to the residents in the region of Agder (280 000 capita) This is the largest collaboration project for this purpose in Norway, and in 2008 the project signed a contract, giving a guarantee of getting broadband to all residents that want broadband. The provider has used about 80 satellite connection for broadband, fulfilling the contract.

Currently the main project in "The digital Agder", is bringing mobile coverage at min. 3G to more than 99 % of the residents, measured indoor in the houses.

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Contact person: Kjell Pedersen-Rise, +4795849400, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.